The framework revolves around three main principles. Principles represent the desirable values, beliefs and priorities held by an organization.
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Principles that guide organizational activities, initiatives and investments in developing emerging leaders include commitment to:
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Commitment to Learning and Development
Commitment to Developing and Maintaining Effective Relationships
Commitment to Strategic Thinking and Planning
Learning and development is valued and demonstrated through planned strategic investment in individual and group skill development, as well as in the organizational infrastructure necessary to support learning and development.
Organizational Practices | Learning and Development
Individuals and organizations are engaged in collaboration that supports the development of emerging leaders. Expertise within and across organizations and the sector is recognized and leveraged, taking advantage of a professional environment that supports and enhances formal and informal learning.
Organizational Practices | Developing and Maintaining Effective Relationships
Strategic goals and outcomes regarding leadership development are identified and innovative plans to achieve those goals are developed and refined to reflect new circumstances and learnings.
Organizational Practices | Strategic Thinking and Planning
Take the Organizational Assessment at to explore how effectively your organization supports the development of emerging leaders.