About the Developing Emerging Leaders Collaborative

In June of 2011 a group of sector leaders interested in advancing the state of leadership development within the nonprofit sector joined together as the Developing Emerging Leaders Collaborative to create the Developing Emerging Leaders: An Organizational Approach. Members include:

Each of these members of the collaborative are engaged in leadership development initiatives or programs and recognized the value of sharing resources and expertise to explore a sector level response to leadership development challenges.

Members of the collaborative hold a common belief that effective leadership development involves developing both the competencies of individual leaders and the capacity of organizations to support the development of leaders. Thus, the Developing Emerging Leaders Framework addresses leadership development through an organizational lens. 

How We Work

As a collaborative, each partner accepts responsibility for the outcomes of the project. A Terms of Reference identifies the objectives of the collaborative and defines the scope of activities the collaborative undertakes.

Members contribute financial resources, infrastructure supports and expertise to the collaborative. Project funding was accessed for the development of the framework while in-kind supports such as administration, materials and supplies were contributed by the members.

All members take responsibility for promoting the Framework and associated tools including the www.developleaders.ca website and the organizational assessment located at www.knowledgeconnector.ca. Members of the collaborative post links on their individual websites promote the framework at speaking engagements and distribute materials amongst their member organizations.

What’s Next

With the launch of The Developing Emerging Leaders Framework, the Collaborative plans to begin exploring strategies to improve organizational practices around the development of leaders. Research along with the compiled results of the Organizational Assessments will indicate priority areas for the development of new initiatives or the creation of new programs or supports.




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Take the Organizational Assessment at www.knowledgeconnector.ca to explore how effectively your organization supports the development of emerging leaders.


DEVELOPING EMERGING LEADERS: An Organizational Approach Strategic Framework


Mandie Abrams

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(780) 421.1660